Room Parent

What do Room Parents Do?
Being the primary point of contact between the classroom parents and the White Oak PTA. Room Parents are expected to send a monthly updates to children's parents regarding upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and other pertinent information the teacher needs.
Leading in planning your classrooms winter and end of year parties.
Lead in working with classroom parents in volunteer time and material for our annual Fundraiser called, Hoot Scoot.
Help in communicating and sourcing volunteers for various school events.
Coordinating with parents on material needs for our annual Teacher Appreciation Week for our teachers.
Aiding your teacher as requested.
Financial responsibilities: For suggestions on how to deal with room parent expenses, please see the White Oak Room Parent Guide available in the links under resources.
How do you sign up?
It's simple you have a few ways. Look for the Room Parent sign up sheet in your teacher's classroom at Open House on August 1, 2019 at WOES. Or email our coordinator, contact information is below.
You can also come to the Room Parent information meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thurs. Aug 15, 2019 (grades 3-5) or Tues. Aug 20, 2019 (grades K-2).
Join Us!
Are you thinking about volunteering as a room parent for the 2019-2020 school year?
Room Parents are an important asset to the parent and teacher relationship at White Oak Elementary. As a Room Parent your role is to help build community among the teacher and classroom families.
What if I want to help but don't want to be a Room Parent?

That's okay, sign up at Open House anyway. Providing your information will ensure that your name and contact information is shared with your class's Room Parent. If you missed the sign-up, feel free to contact your room parent and let them know you are interested in helping them!