We are always looking for parents who are committed to making the White Oak PTA an active organization that supports and enhances the learning of our students. Board positions are listed below; everyone is welcome and encouraged to run for a position. If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board, elections are held every Spring at our May meeting. Election information is sent out ahead of time and a Nominating Committee conducts interviews to select a slate of candidates.
We are also looking for volunteers to act as event and standing committee chairpeople. Please email the Executive Board at to learn more.
(1) President or (2) Co-Presidents
Leads and oversees the PTA Board & membership
Expedites meetings
Attends council meeting, district meetings, workshops & PTA Conventions
Demonstrates ability to work well with others
(2) Co-Vice Presidents
Acts as an assistant to the president
Oversees and supports the work of the PTA Committees
Demonstrates ability to work well with others
(1) Treasurer
Writing checks / balancing checkbook
Making bank deposits, twice a week on average
Preparing the budget with input from the board
Ensure that spending stays within budget limits
Preparing the books for audit
(1) Secretary
Records business transacted at meetings and keeps minutes
Maintains membership list
Sends correspondence for PTA
Demonstrates ability to work well with others